Top-quality programme at the 2023 PARTEC Congress
It is rare to find two top international players that fit together as perfectly as PARTEC and POWTECH, the Congress and Trade Fair for particle and bulk solids technology, taking place in Nuremberg from 26 to 28 September 2023.

Particle technology experts from the fields of science and industry are expected in large numbers at the Nuremberg exhibition venue from 26 to 28 September 2023. At PARTEC, one of the largest and most important international congresses for particle and powder technology, experts from science and industry present and discuss the latest developments in particle and powder technology. Every bit as important as the keynote lectures and panel sessions in the seven-stream programme are the lectures by the new scientific talents: More than 300 talks and 150 poster presentations will provide additional, profitable stimuli. Another exciting highlight is the presentation of the Friedrich Löffler Prize for Young Scientists on Day 2 of the Congress, and an award ceremony for the best poster on Day 3.
Sustainability is the theme for this year’s Congress, one to which both researchers and representatives of industry are increasingly dedicating their efforts. The trade fair in Nuremberg provides support for professional interaction and networking in equal measure – at the poster session, for example, at a gathering at one of the trade fair stands, or at the POWTECH Campus Pavilion. That means trade fair visitors and exhibitors can benefit from the insights of scientists and industrial experts in the same measure as the researchers, who can directly discuss new scientific approaches with practitioners in their target group. The large-scale trade fair party, attended by exhibitors and PARTEC delegates, will also offer plenty of time for everyone to get to know each other and interact.
Congress chairman Dr Arno Kwade says: “In addition to the traditional fields, PARTEC 2023 also addresses the emerging fields of research and application in particle technology. In the context of climate change, in particular, sustainability and the circular economy are becoming increasingly important.” PARTEC 2023 aims to acknowledge this transition with its overarching theme of “Particle Technology for Sustainable Products”. There will therefore be a special focus not only on top product quality but also on maximizing material utilization and energy efficiency in the processes involved, as well as on energy transition products such as batteries.
Overview of plenary lectures and keynotes
The themes of the five plenary lectures and ten keynotes illustrate the practical relevance of the Congress and its importance to the target sectors of POWTECH. The particular focus here will be on the fields of chemicals, pharmaceuticals, the food industry and batteries.
Plenary lectures
- Jin Ooi, The University of Edinburgh, UK: “Simulation of Particulate Processes – towards Industrial Digitalisation”
- Fernando Muzzio, Rutgers University, USA: “Advanced Manufacturing of Powder-Based Pharmaceutical Products”
- Melanie Maas-Brunner, Mitglied des Vorstands und Chief Technology Officer (CTO) BASF SE, GER: “BASF’s Pathways to Sustainability and Circular Economy”
- Stefan Palzer, Executive Vice President und Chief Technology Officer Nestlé, CH: “Particle Technology Enabling the Transition to a Regenerative Food System“
- Jürgen Janek, Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, GER: “Solid-State Batteries – a Future Application of Advanced Particle Technology”
- Triantafillos J. Mountziaris, University of Houston, USA: “Synthesis, functionalization, and biological sensing applications of fluorescent semiconductor nanocrystals”
- Jennifer Sinclair Curtis, University of California, USA: “Predicting Breakage of Elongated Particles Using the Discrete element Method”
- Erich Windhab, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zürich, CH: “New synchrotron tomography-assisted insights into mixing and structure formation of liquid-solid-multiphase systems”
- David Y.H. Pui, University of Minnesota, USA: “Virus aerosol filtration: Infectivity vs physical penetration, real-time low-cost bioaerosol sensor, virus droplets evaporation and transport”
- Nicolas Vogel, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg, GER: “Supraparticles – Controlling confined self-assembly processes to design functional materials”
- Béatrice Biscans, LGC Toulouse, FRA: “Inhibition of calcium carbonate precipitation on cooling surfaces: from laboratory scale to industrial pilot plant“
- Florian Huber, hte GmbH, GER: “Advances in automated high throughput workflows for catalysts and battery materials R&D”
- Carsten Schilde, TU Braunschweig, GER, “Physical inspired data-driven modelling of particulate processes“
- Ruud von Ommen, TU Delft, NL: “Gas phase coating of particles: towards ton-scale production with nano-precision”
- Anne Windberg Baarup, Hubert Hirschlag, Continental Reifen Deutschland GmbH, GER: “Continentals sustainability ambition and implications for particulate filler materials“
All PARTEC delegates are cordially invited to visit the POWTECH trade fair free of charge. Guided tours of the trade fair will be offered for PARTEC delegates on the last day of the Congress.
Marianny Eisenhofer, Director POWTECH, and Phuong Anh Do, Project Manager PARTEC, emphasise in unison: “We are very pleased that PARTEC and POWTECH will be able to complement each other once again in 2023. Sound, application-oriented research performed by PARTEC delegates forms the basis for fundamental advances in the sectors represented by our visitors and exhibitors.”